Monday, December 15, 2008

Mothers Union Reconciliation Workshop Kenya

I am in awe when I consider what God did in Kenya. 40 ladies from the Mothers Union arrived from different parts of the country, but especially from the areas where the conflict had been worst. They were very fearful, some even wondering if they would be killed! They did not want to be with the other tribes; some didn’t even want to hear the languages of the other tribes. Most were very traumatized; several had been raped; some were still living in camps for displaced people. We were very impressed with the quality and spiritual maturity of their leaders. I was so proud of Daniel and Anastase for the sensitive and loving way in which they presented the teachings. Esperance and Claudine also got alongside the ladies as listening ears. On the third evening after they had taken their wounds to the cross, they started worshiping in the different tribal languages, and I knew that God had intervened! When I asked the next day how many could say they had left a heavy burden behind at the cross, almost the whole room responded; similarly when I asked if anyone could view the other tribes through new eyes, and if anyone was finding a new freedom to forgive after going to the cross.

The King’s Table celebration of unity on the last night was one of the best I have ever experienced. There was such joy! These ladies blessed each other as different tribes, speaking words of affirmation, and joining in each other’s songs and dances. It was hard to bring it to a close. We could hardly believe they were the same women as had arrived the first day!! On the last morning it was so encouraging to hear them planning how they could take the message into their communities, especially to the youth. In February, Joseph will go there from Rwanda to conduct a training seminar for them and I’m considering joining him. Please pray that they will find funding for this.

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